KS3: Computing and DIT


SGLA computing curriculum aims to provide a high-quality computing education that equips all pupils on how to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science and design technology. It provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. By following the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) framework, we aim to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who are motivated to succeed; we strive to develop students who will build a better world through the use of technology. Students will develop an open mind and be able to adapt to the ever changing world of technology. Through the teachings of the curriculum, we allow students to navigate effectively and utilise the abundance of information they have available to them. They also acquire many skills required to use a range of tools to help them throughout their lives in many future chosen careers paths.

At Key Stage 3, the ICT curriculum is aligned to the Design MYP framework and includes all aspects of the National Curriculum.

As part of the Middle Years Programme (MYP), ICT design challenges all students to:

  • Apply practical and creative thinking skills to solve design problems
  • Explore the role of design in both historical and contemporary contexts
  • Consider their responsibilities when making design decisions and taking action.

Year 7

In year 7, students are introduced to new key concepts as well as developing a range of skills and techniques that are transferable across other subjects. This year is to help them build confidence in their digital literacy as well as providing them with a foundation to build upon. The scheme of work is centred on introducing learners to key vocabulary and grammar as well as core fundamental skills.

Schedule of Learning

  • Module 1: Introduction to Computers and Online safety – Cyberbullying focus with additional introduction into the topics of sexting.
  • Module 2: History of Computers – Looking at the development of computers with reference to world war 2.
  • Module 3: Future technology – Looking at developments of technology like AI (Augmented Reality), Virtual Reality, Haptic feedback, self-driving cars, Quantum Computers among others.
  • Module 4: Robotics – Looking at development in Robots as an IB MYP project.
  • Module 5: Algorithms – Developing computational thinking techniques such as pattern recognition, abstraction, algorithmic thinking and decomposition.
  • Module 6: Scratch Programming – Implementation of computer concepts and the creation of games – IB MYP project.

In year 8, the curriculum has been designed to build and develop on knowledge already gained but introduces learners to more complex software and build their capabilities in the digital landscape. Students study a different aspect of ICT each term, to allow them time to embed the skills and ideas in that particular topic before they move on.

Schedule of Learning

  • Module 1: Computer Networks
  • Module 2: Web Design
  • Module 3: Spreadsheets
  • Module 4: Digital Graphics
  • Module 5: Computational Thinking
  • Module 6: Intro to Python (Programming)

In year 9 onwards, students use the knowledge gained from previous years and build upon them by undertaking various projects that require them to incorporate knowledge gained across a range of units. In years 7-9 the key concepts are taught within the MYP framework. The MYP ICT framework encourages students to inquire and analyse, develop ideas, create a solution and evaluate the process and solution.

Schedule of Learning

  • Module 1: Computer Systems
  • Module 2: Smart Home
  • Module 3: Encryption and secure communications
  • Module 4: Ethical, legal & environmental impacts of digital technology
  • Module 5: Algorithms
  • Module 6: Python

The Year 9 DIT Option is for students who are interested in Digital working practices in society or wish to pursue a Computing course further at Key Stage 4 and 5. The DIT option gives students an understanding of key computing concepts and the fundamentals of programming. The content of this course encourages learners to acquire technical knowledge and technical skills through vocational contexts by studying the knowledge, understanding and skills related to data management, data interpretation, data presentation and data protection. Students build skills over the course that lead to their ability to create computer programs, but also appreciate the changing landscape of computer technology around them.  Students will also keep up to date with emerging technologies that will likely become commonplace in the years to come.

Schedule of Learning

  • Module 1: Databases
  • Module 2: Data Representation and Data Modelling
  • Module 3: ICT Security and Effective Digital Working Practices
  • Module 4: System vs Application Software – Operating systems
  • Module 5: Systems Architecture
  • Module 6: Digital Design and Design Principles


At Key Stage 3, unit plans are based on ensuring full and in depth coverage of the National Curriculum and utilise the MYP framework. The scheme of work aims to capture the interest of students and motivate and prepare them to have a solid grounding to begin their GCSE journey.


Design, and the resultant development of new technologies, has given rise to profound changes in society, transforming how we access and process information, adapt our environment, communicate with others, solve problems, work and live. MYP design challenges students to apply practical and creative-thinking skills to solve design problems; encourages students to explore the role of design in historical and contemporary contexts; and raises students’ awareness of their responsibilities when making design decisions and taking action.

Students will be assessed under four different criteria: 

  • Inquiring and analysing Students are presented with a design situation, from which they identify a problem that needs to be solved. They analyse the need for a solution and conduct an inquiry into the nature of the problem.
  • Developing ideas Students write a detailed specification, which drives the development of a solution. They present the solution.
  • Creating the solution Students plan the creation of the chosen solution, then follow the plan to create a prototype sufficient for testing and evaluation.
  • Evaluating Students design tests to evaluate the solution, carry out those tests and objectively evaluate its success. Students identify areas where the solution could be improved and explain how their solution will impact on the client or target audience.

All students in Key Stage 3 follow our spiral curriculum which aims to expose students to both a breadth and depth of technological and scientific ideas and concepts, this helps embed the knowledge they need for a potential career in ICT.

The four MYP criteria are summatively assessed and reported on twice a year (Modules 3 and 6). A final grade is provided at the end of the year (Module 6). Further guidance on MYP assessments can be found here: 

Additional Resources

KS4: GCSE Computer Science


This subject gives students an understanding of key computing concepts and the fundamentals of programming. It focuses on students creating applications, such as mobile and web apps and computer games.  Students build skills over the course that lead to their ability to create computer programs, but also appreciate the changing landscape of computer technology around them.  Students will also keep up to date with emerging technologies that will likely become commonplace in the years to come.


Students learn:

  • Independent learning skills for working and living in an increasingly digital world.
  • Creativity, logical thinking and self-evaluation.
  • Designing of apps and software technologies they use – mobile phones, games consoles and the Internet.
  • Computing, which is of enormous importance to the economy and focuses on computer technologies that are relevant in the modern world.
  • Elements of Microsoft Technology Associate certifications to give industry recognised skills.
  • A thorough grounding in computing, creating opportunities for students to move on to A-levels, vocational courses, industry recognised IT qualifications and employment.

Progression in other areas such as technology, science, engineering and the creative industries.


Students will cover the core principles and fundamentals in the early stages of the course and build upon these over time to harness them to start creating and evaluating computer programs for desktop and mobile environments.  Assessments will be every module in an exam or controlled assessment style, depending on the particular content of that module.

Course Structure

  • Component 1 – Computational thinking and problem solving
    Written exam set in practical based scenario  
    1 hour 30 minutes Exam (paper-based)
    50% of the GCSE Qualification
  • Component 2 – Written Assessment
    1 hour 30 minutes Exam (paper-based)
    50% of the GCSE Qualification
  • Component 3 – Practical Programming Problem
    The development of a computer program along with the computer programming code itself which has been designed, written and tested by the student to solve a problem. Students will need to produce an original report outlining this development.

Exam Board Information

Additional Resources

KS4: BTEC Digital IT


The content of this course encourages learners  to acquire technical knowledge and technical skills through vocational contexts by studying the knowledge, understanding and skills related to data management, data interpretation, data presentation and data protection as part of their Key Stage 4 learning.


Students will learn:

  • the development of key skills that prove your aptitude in digital information technology, such as project planning, designing and creating user interfaces, creating dashboards to present and interpret data. 
  • process that underpins effective ways of working in digital information technology, such as project planning, the iterative design process, cyber security, virtual teams, legal and ethical codes of conduct. 
  • attitudes that are considered most important in digital information technology, including personal management and communication. 
  • knowledge that underpins effective use of skills, process and attitudes in the sector such as how different user interfaces meet user needs, how organisations collect and use data to make decisions, virtual workplaces, cyber security and legal and ethical issues.


In each module students will be taught the required skills and conceptual issues and then work independently to complete assignment based work.

Course Structure

Assessment for the qualification is 60% coursework.  The remaining 40% comprises of an external assessment in the form of a practical examination. 

  • Component 1 – Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques (Coursework) 30%
  • Component 2 – Collecting, Presenting and Interpreting Data (Coursework) 30%
  • Component 3 – Effective Digital Working Practices (Examination) 40%

Exam Board Information

Additional Resources

  • Knowledge Organisers 
  • https://www.knowitallninja.com/ (Ask your teacher for your login details)
  • Quizlet sets Google Classroom (Ask your teacher for your login details)



In BTEC Information Technology, students have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in IT. Candidates study the relationship between hardware and software, managing and communicating information and data, and the principles of designing and developing digital technologies and processes to support organisations. Students will examine the structure of data and its origins, and how an efficient data design follows through to an effective and useful database. Students will examine a given scenario and develop an effective design solution to produce a database system.


Candidates will explore different social media websites, the ways in which they can be used and the potential pitfalls when using them for business purposes. Students will develop a plan to use social media strategies for business purposes to achieve specific aims and objectives. Students will review existing websites – commenting on their overall design and effectiveness. They will use scripting languages such as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript® and a simple text editor, or rapid application development tools. 

This course will allow progression to a variety of degrees when combined with other suitable Level 3 qualifications.


Students will be supported with a number of different types of assessment materials to ensure they reach their full potential. We use the following Assessment Objectives:

  • External Assessment (50%)
    Unit 1: Information Technology Systems
    Unit 2: Creating Systems to Manage Information 
  • Internal Assessment (50%)
    Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business 
    Unit 6: Website Development

Exam Board Information

Additional Resources

  • Knowledge Organisers 
  • https://www.knowitallninja.com/ (Ask your teacher for your login details)
  • Quizlet sets Google Classroom (Ask your teacher for your login details)

KS5: BTEC Computing


Whilst studying for the external aspect (examinations) of this qualification students will explore a range of areas within Computing such as the logical and structured ways that computer systems process data to develop programs, processes and systems that solve specific problems. Students will examine the features of effective computer programming and apply accepted computing and programming paradigms whilst analysing, developing and evaluating algorithms and computer code, and propose and apply solutions to ensure that computer systems are fit for purpose. Candidates will develop the computational-thinking skills to effectively analyse a problem, break it down into its component parts, and design and evaluate solutions. Students will progress to explore the relationship between hardware and software as part of a computer system and examine the way computer components work both individually and together to store and process data, and the way in which data is transmitted and used in computer systems. 


As part of their internal assessments, students will investigate the many different types of security attack, the vulnerabilities that exist and techniques that can be used to defend the IT systems of organisations. They will learn about the complexities of configuring and supporting networks within an organisation. Students must also explore how encryption can be used to protect data and plan and apply suitable protection to an IT system and test it to ensure the protection is effective. Candidates will learn to configure an IT system’s access control settings to control user access to various IT system resources, including files, folders and printers. As part of their final internal assessment, students will explore different social media websites and analyse the ways in which they can be used and the potential pitfalls when using them for organisational purposes. Students must then develop a plan to use social media strategies within an organisation to achieve its specific business aims and objectives.


Students will be supported with a number of different types of assessment materials to ensure they reach their full potential. We use the following Assessment Objectives:

  • External Assessment
    Unit 1: Principles of Computer Science This unit is assessed through a written examination. The examination is two hours in length. During the supervised assessment period, learners will be assessed on their ability to apply their computational-thinking skills to solve problems. The number of marks for the unit is 90.
    Unit 2: Fundamentals of Computer Systems This unit is assessed through a written examination set and marked by Pearson. The examination is one hour and 45 minutes in length. The number of marks for the unit is 80.
  • Internal Assessment
    Unit 7: IT Systems Security & Encryption
    Unit 15: Website Development

Exam Board Information

Additional Resources

  • Knowledge Organisers 
  • https://www.knowitallninja.com/ (Ask your teacher for your login details)
  • Quizlet sets Google Classroom (Ask your teacher for your login details)