The co-curriculum consists of all the experiences our students can access beyond the taught curriculum. This can be before school, after school, during break or lunch, or a school trip. At Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy in our capacity as an IB World School, we recognise the importance of building cultural capital and giving students the opportunity to bring their learning to life. Our aim is for every student to be involved with at least one co-curricular activity throughout the year whether that be attending an after school club, or being part of a school trip relevant to their learning.

Past Co-curricular Opportunities
Subject Specific Co-Curricular Opportunities
- UKMT Junior and Intermediate Maths Challenges
- Celebrating Maths World Day
- After school/lunch time puzzle/game sessions
- Potentially bring a speaker for the students – to talk about use of Maths in their careers and their jobs.
- Collaborating with all learning areas to use fractions when giving assessments back so the students can work out their % and their grades themselves.
- World poetry day
- World book day
- Study of international writers
- Romeo and Juliet theatre visit
- Support other learning areas in the delivery of Mathematical Engineering Physics at post 16.
- Y7 visit to the Science Museum in London (To be arranged).
- Post-16 visit to Canterbury Christ Church University for students following science pathways at P16. Enrichment and insight into future science courses, research and career pathways.
- Year 7 History Research Skills trip to Dartford Library and Museum – November
- Year 8 Geography Rivers fieldwork
- Year 9 Geography urban environment survey fieldwork Dartford town
- Year 10 join trip to France – the trenches – in coordination with MFL
- Year 12 DebateMate Nov, a half day experiential learning how to debate.
- Year 12 Global Politics and History students trip to Canterbury Christ Church University for an experiential seminar and research skills and time for their coursework.
- Year 13 Geography Field Trip to Stratford studying Urbanisation
- Year 8 French – Chateau Beaumont in Normandy for five days in July 2023 – 32 students
- Year 9 French – Lille Christmas Market for one night in December 2022 – 66 students
- Year 10 French – Amiens & Arras Cross-curricular trip with History in February 2023 – 36 students
- Year 12 French – French restaurant – 7 students in January 2023
- Year 9 and 10 Spanish – Madrid visit – 30 students – June 2023
- Celebrating STEM week
- RAF coding sessions for PP and Female students in KS3
- Design Ventura National competition
- KS5 visits to industry along with virtual meetings with engineering professionals
- Careers programme with Charlton Athletic (Year 10 and 11). Over 4 weeks students receive a combination of practical sessions and lessons on the various career options in sport. The final session will be at The Valley and will also involve other schools.
- We are also planning a ski trip to either Europe or America, a summer multisport trip in Europe and a Wembley England football trip.
- Inter-college sport events
- Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy Sports Day – all students Y7-9
- Sports Council Y7-10 students
- Post-16 Sport subject specific campus day to Canterbury Christ Church
- The Leigh Fest at Christmas where we bring together all year groups, Milestone, The Diversity Club and Unity to perform together through a Music, Dance and Drama variety show.
- Invited Box Clever Theatre Company to perform ‘Jekyll and Hyde’, and run a workshop with all students in years 7 & 8. Another performance has been planned for the Performing Arts students from years 9 – 13 where they will interview the actors, technicians and director as part of their Btec Course.
- We are planning for workshops with Splendid Productions (Berkoff for KS5), and Frantic Assembly (KS4).
- We aimed to take KS4 and KS5 to the theatre next year with proceeds from Leigh Fest.
- The IB Festival of Hope where we bring together all year groups, Milestone, The Diversity Club and Unity to perform together through a Music, Dance and Drama variety show
- Students participate and perform in break/lunch time shows in the winter garden.
- Music theatre trips.
- We are planning for external visitors to perform and showcase workshops for students on Djing, vocal percussion and african drumming.
Business Studies
- November 2022 is virtual Amazon tour for Year 10 Business Studies students
- March 2023 GCSE Booster trip for Year 11 Business Studies students
Media and Film
- BFI trip
- Whitstable trip Year 10/11: Students following GCSE Graphics, Fine Art and Photography courses make a resource trip to Whitstable to work on location [water colour seascape] street photography/ typology/ landscape photography and research and resourcing for Graphic design students and their next infographics piece.
- Gallery Visit National gallery Yr 10 Fine art: Exploring Vanitas paintings and images which represent memento Mori
- Gallery Visit National Gallery Yr 12 /13 photography: To explore the work of artists as inspiration for photographers
- Gallery Visit Tate Gallery Yr 13 Students: Make an in-depth exploration of a current exhibition This year Cezanne, last year Paula Rego
- Gallery visit National Gallery + Tate Modern Yr 12/ 13 Fine art , Graphics and Photography students: To develop a broad understanding of traditional and contemporary practices
- Photoshoot in Dartford Yr 10 photography students: Explore our local environs urban and rural to make an individual photographic portfolio
- Photoshoot in London Yr 12/ 13 photography students: Explore urban/ city and street photography to make an individual photographic portfolio
- Margate trip Yr 12/13 Fine art, Graphics and Photography students: Make a resource trip to Whitstable to work on location [ water colour seascape] street photography: typology : landscape photography and research and resourcing for Graphic design students and their next infographics piece. Making links with Turner and Turner contemporary gallery
- Creative Process lectures Yr 12/13 Fine art, Graphics and Photography students: Take part in the live streaming of lectures from 4 famous practising artists who will discuss their work, ideas and meaning . Students have the opportunity to raise questions and gain a greater understanding of what artists do.
- Amazon Fulfilment Tour – Year 9 – Students explore the world of Amazon operations, from the cutting-edge technology to the people who make Amazon what it is today.
- Bletchley Park Visit – Year 10 Students discover the incredible achievements of Britain’s World War Two Codebreakers, in the place where it happened.
- Safer Internet Day – 7th February 2023
- Anti-Bullying week (Cyberbullying focus) – 14th – 18th November 2022
- NCS Changemaker participation for all Year 12 students
- QE2 Jubilee Garden and Orchard Project – Y13 IBCP Students
- Year 12 full cohort UCAS Exhibition trip at Detling Showground
- Y12 full cohort SUCCEED programme assembly with the University of Kent – 18th November 2022(3 students were successful after application last academic year)
- Attenborough College “What Happens next?” assembly with the University of Kent
- LGBTQ+ Mythbusters (student ambassadors from the university of Kent) workshop with Unity group members
- Campus days with targeted groups with Canterbury Christ Church and University of Greenwich
- Y12 E-mentoring – 4 week mentoring with a subject specific mentor and a taster day on subject specific campus with University of Greenwich (Sport, Business, Health & Social, Engineering) – students to be identified for each sector
Additional co-curricular activities
- College Activity Days
- External Revision Days for Year 11 and Post-16
- Reward day trips and activities in Module 6
- Charity cricket match involving players, lunch servers and primary school tournament officiating
- Remembrance Day Service
- Chinese New Year
- Eid
- The Leigh Fest
- Visiting Theatre companies for all years
- Fundraising for Bantabami to keep the orphanage operating annually
- NCS Summer Programme annually
International Visits
- Key Stage 3 and 4 MFL visits to France and Spain
- Key Stage 4 Sports tours to Antigua (4 times), Lanzarote, Tenerife and La Manga
- Post-16 ICT / cultural visits to New York and San Francisco
- Whole academy skiing trips to North America and Europe
- Post-16 Exchange visits to China