Dear Parents/Carers
RE: Preparation for Year 13 Public Examinations
To aid Year 13 students in their preparations for taking final examinations this summer, we have engaged an external provider, Learning Performance, to come into school and run three 2-hour sessions with students over a 2-week period. We have used the services of Learning Performance before and they have been exceptionally well received by students, as the sessions are led by recent university graduates who were in the same position as Year 13 students just a few years ago. The sessions will cover practical strategies of improving memory and recall, planning time wisely, managing the stresses of exam season and much more. They will set Year 13 students up for entering examination season with a mindset focused upon success and achieving their potential.
The sessions will all take place within the academy day in the Lecture Theatre on these dates:
Session 1 – Thursday 2nd March
This is a strike day for members of the NEU (when most students will be working from home) but the sessions with Learning Performance will still go ahead and students should attend the academy in usual dress code attire. They should check on the Attenborough College Google Classroom whether they are involved in either the session that starts at 9.00am or the session that starts at 11.30am. Students only have this session on 2nd March – there will be no other lessons happening on site or online for Year 13 on that day, though teachers may post work to be completed if they are not striking.
Session 2 – Tuesday 7th March
Session 3 – Monday 13th March
Students will again only attend one session with Learning Performance on each of these dates, starting at either 9.00am or 11.30am. They should check on the Attenborough College Google Classroom to see which session they will attend. There will be no other Year 13 lessons happening on these dates, so students only need to attend for their 2-hour session. As these are not strike days, teachers will post work for students to complete in the lessons they are missing for sessions with Learning Performance and students should check the relevant Google Classrooms for this work.
Yours faithfully
Mr Lee Forcella-Burton
Director of Post-16, leading Attenborough College