Post-16 Open Evening on 16th Nov 2022

A male student is seen wearing his academy uniform whilst concentrating on an activity in Design & Technology.

Dear Parents/Carers,

It is with great pleasure that we write to you to invite you to attend our Post-16 Open Evening, which is taking place between 6.00pm and 8.00pm on Wednesday 16th November 2022.

  • Students in Mandela and Curie Colleges are invited to attend at 6.00pm for a presentation in the lecture theatre and then visit the subject fair in the restaurant
  • Students in Seacole and Shakespeare Colleges are invited to attend at 7.00pm for their presentation and they are encouraged to visit the subject fair between 6.00pm and 7.00pm.

Presentations in the Lecture Theatre will be given as follows:

  • 6.00pm – Post-16 @ The Leigh (Mandela and Curie colleges)
  • 6.30pm – The IB Career-related Programme (any college)
  • 6.45pm – T Level in Education and Childcare (any college)
  • 7.00pm – Post-16 @ The Leigh (Seacole and Shakespeare colleges)
  • 7.30pm – The IB Career-related Programme (any college)
  • 7.45pm – T Level in Education and Childcare (any college)

The subject fair will run from 6.00pm till 8.00pm. You will be able to speak to subject teachers and current students of the 25 different courses on offer for September 2023 and learn about what is involved in each course by reading the subject displays there. You will also be able to discover which types of qualification – A levels, IB Diploma Courses, BTECs and T levels – will be the best fit for your child and get them to their preferred next step after the end of Post-16, whether that is employment, an apprenticeship or university. College leaders and the Post-16 team will also be there to answer any questions you have about Post-16 at The Leigh Academy.

You may also wish to watch our ‘Welcome to Post-16’ video before the evening and you can access it on our academy website, where you can also access a digital copy of the Post-16 prospectus that you will be given at the Open Evening:

Applications to our Post-16 are being managed through a platform called Applicaa this year but we are registering Leigh Academy students on Applicaa on their behalf to make the application process as easy as possible. All your child will need to do is complete a simple Google Form in tutor time after the Open Evening to identify their preferred subject options.

Advice on how to choose appropriate subjects will be shared with Year 11 students in a special assembly on Thursday 10th November. Once your child’s Google Form has been received, one of their College leaders will meet with them to discuss the subjects they have chosen and help them to plan how to ensure they meet the entry requirements for them.

After this meeting, a conditional offer letter will be sent out from Attenborough College. Students must choose at least three subjects, each from a different block. You can see which subjects are in which blocks on the back page of the Post-16 prospectus.

Mock Examinations

As you are aware, the mock examinations for Year 11 students will take place from Monday 28th November until Friday 16th December. Every Year 11 student was given their examinations timetable before the end of the last module, so they should all be clear about the schedule and venues. If your son/daughter has lost their timetable, a copy can be collected from their college Admin, or this can also be downloaded from MyChildAtSchool. The timetables also have the seat number for each exam and it would be helpful if each student arrived knowing these details, so please do check that with them each morning when they have an examination. Please also ensure they are fully equipped each day, particularly when it comes to the Science and Mathematics papers.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Post-16 Open Evening and helping you and your child to plan for their next exciting stage of their education with The Leigh Academy.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Julia Collins

Mr Lee Forcella-Burton
Director of Post-16