Seacole College Welcome letter 2023-24

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Dear Parent & Carer, 

Re: Seacole College Welcome letter

I would like to take this additional opportunity to welcome the parents and carers of the students in Seacole College to the new academic year. I am very proud to be your Head of College and in the spirit of Mary Seacole herself, we pride ourselves in being a supportive college community while aspiring to the highest standards in all aspects of school life. On Wednesday 22nd November, we have Seacole College Day which we use as a celebration of Mary’s life and achievements, and consider how we can bring some of her attributes to our daily lives in honour of her courage and bravery during the Crimean War.

Our college team consists of myself, Mrs Morgan (Assistant Head of College), Mrs Turner (Student Services Manager) and Ms Cockle (Seacole administrator). The best way to contact any of us is by using the email addresses or phone number below:

Your child starts every day in tutor time from 8.30am-9.00am and the tutor remains the first port of call should you have any school-related enquiry. You can contact them via email at any time and their details can be found on My Child At School app.

Standards and Expectations in Seacole College

In line with the whole academy expectations, please help support us in reinforcing the following standards for your child every day:

  1. Attendance. Our aim is for 95% attendance as a minimum for all students. Any absence results in lost learning and will impact on your child’s academic achievement.
  2. Uniform. Please ensure that your child has the correct uniform every day, including their blazer. Skirts must be worn correctly and not rolled at the waist. The link to the full uniform expectations can be found on the school website here
  3. Mobile phones. We have a simple rule of ‘on site, out of site’. Mobile phones will be confiscated if they are seen, as they are a disruption to learning. They must remain switched off and either in a bag or blazer pocket when on site.


The curriculum your child experiences each year at The Leigh Academy is carefully designed and reviewed to ensure we cover the key content and knowledge they require. As an IB MYP school we also place great emphasis on additional skills and attributes underpinned by the 10 characteristics of the IB Learner Profile. Curriculum information can all be found on our website here, and will give you clear guidance on what your child learns through each stage of their education. 

Assessment and Reporting

In order to keep track of your child’s performance and progress, we will publish a report twice a year. These reports will take into account their academic performance in both formal assessments, and lessons on a day to day basis. We also have a parent-teacher consultation afternoon / evening for every year group and it is vital you attend these events to understand how well your child is progressing, and the key measures they need to take to keep improving. The dates for the parent-teacher consultations are as follows:

  • Year 7: Wednesday 10th January 2024
  • Year 8: Wednesday 24th April 2024
  • Year 9: Wednesday 7th February 2024
  • Year 10: Wednesday 6th December 2023
  • Year 11: Wednesday 18th October 2023 and Wednesday 20th March 2024

I am looking forward to supporting your child throughout the year alongside my brilliant colleagues in Seacole College. I also look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the parent-teacher consultations when you will be able to make appointments to see myself or Mrs Morgan should you wish to do so to discuss your child’s progress in Seacole College.

Kind Regards

Mr Brewer | Head of Seacole College