Shakespeare College welcome letter 2023-24

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Dear Parents and Carers, 

Re: Shakespeare College welcome letter

I hope that you all had an enjoyable and restful summer break. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new Year 7 students into our Shakespeare community and welcome back those of you that are returning.

I am pleased to welcome Ms Bodle to Shakespeare College as Assistant Head of College who along with Miss Austin (our Student Services Manager) manages most of the day to day work with the students. Miss Snell is our Shakespeare Administrator who is also a valuable member of our team.

It has been great to see so many students showing that they are proud to be a part of Shakespeare College and demonstrating our three Rs of respect, resilience and responsibility throughout the academy day. Thank you for supporting this smooth and purposeful start to the year. 


It is, in particular, an important year for our Y11 students. As you can expect, we will be communicating regularly with parents/carers on what support is available and events that will be happening. A vital resource for them, but also all year groups, is our curriculum overview. This can be found in full from Year 7 to 11 on our website here. In addition to that our fantastic personal development curriculum including our highly praised Healthy Minds programme can be found here.


We are lucky enough to welcome some new members of staff to the Shakespeare College team with some undertaking the role of tutor. I’m pleased to announce our tutors for this academic year are as follows

  • Mr Fryer – Tutor for SH1 – Year 7
  • Ms Green – Tutor for SH2 – Year 7
  • Mr Harmen – Tutor for SH4 – Year 8
  • Mr Wilson – Tutor for SH5 – Year 8
  • Mrs Thomas – Tutor for SH6 – Year 9
  • Ms Furqium-Elias – Tutor for SH7 – Year 9
  • Mr Simpson – Tutor for SH8 – Year 10
  • Mrs Coules – Tutor for SH9 – Year 10
  • Miss Miller – Tutor for SH10 – Year 11
  • Mr Buraimoh – Tutor for SH11 – Year 11

The role of our tutors is vital as the member of staff who has contact with your child every day during tutor time, delivering our tutor time programme. They are also the first point of contact for parents/carers. 


Thank you in advance for your continued support in ensuring that students wear the correct uniform to school each day. A copy of our uniform policy is here. As we get into autumn and the weather may require outdoor coats, please bear in mind that students need to wear plain blue or black coats for school and should wear their blazer every day.

Mobile Phones

Please also let me take this opportunity to remind you that mobile phones are not permitted to be used on the academy site. If seen, they will be removed. Should a child need to contact home during the day, they can do so through our college admin office.

I look forward to working in partnership with you over this next productive and exciting year.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Shepherd | Head of Shakespeare College